The wide gap between the sappearance and the essesce: understanding the tourist´s cultural contact
fenômeno-turístico, pós-moderno, comercial, aparência e essênciaAbstract
The present work aims at counter posing the current form of analyzing the tourism phenomenon in a post-modern context, in other words, it is an attempt to understand tourism facts by keeping away from considerations which are merely commercial and simulative, and having a more human and helpful approach in examining the system in we find ourselves and go beyond the appearance to reach the essence.Downloads
How to Cite
Soares, G. A., & Santos Filho, J. dos. (2007). The wide gap between the sappearance and the essesce: understanding the tourist´s cultural contact. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 7(1), 57–62. Retrieved from
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