Social Service Internship Insertion: Limits, Possibilities and Challenges of a Prision Environment

  • James Simões de Brito Instituto Superior de Educação do Paraná – INSEP
  • Izilda da Silva Baldim Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá - PEM
  • Cristiane Muller Calazans Cesumar


The present article had as support the supervised internship carried out in 2005 at State Penitentiary of Maringá (Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá – PEM) and approaches the insertion of a Social Service intern at a prison environment. The article outlines the limits, possibilities and challenges that an intern might face while in internship at a “total institution”, in other words, an institution that is closed to society. It will present the main laws that the intern should master as well as the main physical and social aspects of the prison. In the end, it provides a few suggestions regarding the posture that the Social Service intern should adopt while intending to act at a maximum security penitentiary along with without parole prisoners.

Author Biographies

James Simões de Brito, Instituto Superior de Educação do Paraná – INSEP
Especialista em Gestão Pública no Instituto Superior de Educação do Paraná – INSEP; Bacharel em Serviço Social no Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR. E-mail:
Izilda da Silva Baldim, Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá - PEM
Assistente Social na Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá - PEM. E-mail:
Cristiane Muller Calazans, Cesumar
Supervisora pedagógica de estágio supervisionado em Serviço Social do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR. E-mail:
Artigos de Iniciação Científica