The enterprise ethic and it´s avaiability in Paraná interprises

  • Neuton Correia Pinho Neto CESUMAR
  • Rodolpho Bernardi Neto CESUMAR


In the last decade several scandals shook the corporative enviroment, leaing large and so far solid enterprise to bankruptory. As in the rest of the world, the theme got a privileged spac in the biggest corporation agendas settled in Brazil. From the studies already executed, from the textual avaible about the theme and from the researches about quantity and quantity conected to enterprises, we intend to determine the enlargement of the subject in the Paraná, and wht actions are being developed to developed to apread the concepts of enterprise ethical theme. The article was structured in five parts. On the first one, is presented a theorical review about ethical enterprise. The second part, shows the efects that lach of ethic can lead on the organization. Following some considerations are made about the avaiable tools to evoluate the ethic on enterprises. On the last two parts of the article, we can find the results of the resear done and some conclusions about the theme.

Author Biographies

Neuton Correia Pinho Neto, CESUMAR
acad~emico do Curso de Administração em Marketing e bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR/PROBIC.
Rodolpho Bernardi Neto, CESUMAR
Docente do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR, orientador.
Artigos Originais