Natural and positive law: sophists, plato and aristhoteles

  • Kendra Corrêa Barão CESUMAR
  • Edson Barbosa da Silva CESUMAR


The project aims to go deeper into a subject matter, the Philosophy of Law in the ncient Greece ande will be able to clarity bout: Justice, law, ethics, and nature. We will go back to the thoughts of the Phylosophers: Sophists, Platô and Aristotheles about Natural and Positive Law. A lot of moderm and comtemporary jusphilosophers have forgotten to go back to the theme, resulting in characteristic mistakes in relation to diffetent conceptions already mentioned. The origins of the Phylosophy of Law in Greece constitute the fundamental element so that we can go deeper into the gênesis of Natural and Positive Law in the VBrazilian Law Order. We are going to make use of the analytical descriptive method in the classical and contemporary texts from the jusphilosophers who were mentioned such attentive research will be able to fill in the gaps left in the law graduation, involving the Natural Law, the Positive Law, the Public and Private Law.

Author Biographies

Kendra Corrêa Barão, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Graduação em Direito do Centro Universitário de Maringá
Edson Barbosa da Silva, CESUMAR
Docente do Curso de Graduação em Direito do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR, orientador.
Artigos Originais