Evaluation of Quality for Residential Roofs

  • Marcos Sardá Vieira Sociedade Educacional de Santa Catarina – SOCIESC
Keywords: Environmental Quality, Salubrity, Residential Coverings.


The dynamics of the urban landscape in residential areas happens, mainly, in the insert of new constructive elements, which are the main responsible for the changes of the urban microclimate. In the form of residential houses the covering is the most exposed element of the environmental variables, denoting its importance to block and to regulate the elements of the climate. Searching for to diagnose the quality of the urban environment from a constructive element, this paper approaches a post-occupation methodology in external areas defined among near residential constructions taking the disposition of the coverings as element of conditioning of the environmental comfort. Starting with sample groups of residential houses with at the most two floors, located in the district of Florianópolis-SC, are valuated residential units starting from the removal of the covering plans with the limits of the lot and its respective position from climatic factors. Considering the solar incidence and the ventilation as minimum aspect of salubrious for the built environment, the evaluation method considers the existence or not of distance among near coverings in agreement with the solar orientation of these arranged elements in the lot. The results proved patterns of distance in the disposition among the covering plans, most of them unfavourable to the sunstroke and aeration of the conjunction atmospheres among the constructions.

Author Biography

Marcos Sardá Vieira, Sociedade Educacional de Santa Catarina – SOCIESC
Arquiteto Urbanista graduado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC; Mestre em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC; Doutorando em Artes Visuales y Educación na Universidad de Barcelona - U.B.; Docente da Sociedade Educacional de Santa Catarina – SOCIESC. E-mail: marcosarda@gmail.com
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