Parental alienation in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period of Covid-19, based on the analysis of jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

  • Jaqueline Kilian do Nascimento Antonio Meneghetti Faculdade - AMF
  • Orientador: Prof. Ms Luís Carlos Gehrke
Keywords: Parental alienation, Family living, Covid-19, Guard; Best interest of the child and adolescente


The situation imposed by the world pandemic of Covid-19 has brought changes in people's lives, and especially in family relationships with children of separated parents with regard to custody and the right to coexistence and the possibility of parental alienation in the face of this scenario. In this sense, the following question arises: was there a greater demand or not for processes on parental alienation and how would the Court of Justice be positioning itself in this situation? If the answer is yes, what grounds would the judges be using in judicial decisions. Because of this, the present work aims precisely to analyze the possible risks of parental alienation in the face of this new scenario and the search for the best interest of the child and adolescent, considering legal provisions, such as the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002, the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988, Statute of Children and Adolescents, Law on shared custody, Law on parental alienation and jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in relation to this situation. The method of approach is deductive, as the research will start from a more general view of the evolution of custody and later on parental alienation in Brazilian law to demonstrate its impacts in relation to the best interest of the child/adolescent in times of pandemic, due to Covid-19, and judicial decisions related to custody, right to coexistence and parental alienation. As for the method of procedure, the monographic method will be combined with the comparative method, as the research aims to analyze decisions handed down by the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as any increase in demands.


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