Profile of patients with the Down Syndrome during the period form 1993 to 2003 in the city of Maringá-PR

  • Jeferson Malgarin CESUMAR
  • Ricardo Sandri Ávila CESUMAR
  • Fábio Rogério Rosado CESUMAR
  • Eliana Valéria Patussi CESUMAR


This work had the objective of establishing the profile of patients with the Down Syndrome (SD) in Maringá, in the period from 1993 to 2003. The population was composed of 44 patients, members of the local APAE during that period. The work consisted of the analysis of the records, questionnaires and interviews with the parents and the patients themselves. To draw the profile, genetic, phenotypic and social data was obtained from the patients and their relatives. The results outlined the profile of the holders of this genetic anomaly frequently found in society. The analysis of the different phases of the disease with the manifestation on the holder permited to observe the multiple and complex aspects that characterize this disease. It was also observed the inter-relation on the holders and their relatives, as well as the activities that they carry out in their daily lives.

Author Biographies

Jeferson Malgarin, CESUMAR
Acadêmico do Curso de Biomedicina do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá, Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR/PROBIC
Ricardo Sandri Ávila, CESUMAR
Acadêmico do Curso de Biomedicina do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá, Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR/PROBIC
Fábio Rogério Rosado, CESUMAR
Orientador e Docente do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
Eliana Valéria Patussi, CESUMAR
Co-orientadora e Docente do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
Artigos Originais