The Found Irregularities Reported in the Certame Litigation Bidding in Municipal Governments

  • Clóris Patrícia Pimenta Faculdade Cidade Verde
Keywords: Irregularities, Biddings, Mayors.


This study aims to contribute to the society in the management of public resources, identifying deficiencies and oversight procedures found in municipal governments bidding. The theoretical basis in evidence approaches: governmental entities organization, the state and its finances, events and criminal penalties for bidding irregularities in the bidding procedures. This is a documentary research, as working with secondary data contained in procedural documents. The study is descriptive, with quality data processing. Finally, it was concluded that the most common irregularities face the constitutional principles of public management and ultimately divert financial resources for private interests. The study points that the steps should be brought up to the public through its mandatory publication in the press and electronic media as a way of inhibiting the misappropriation.

Author Biography

Clóris Patrícia Pimenta, Faculdade Cidade Verde
Artigos Originais