Environmental Education, Topofobia and Topocide in a Government School in Marília SP Brazil

  • Vladimir Bertapeli FFC-Unesp
Keywords: Environmental Education, Topophobia, Topocide.


Environmental Education has been valorized during the last decade as a set of pedagogical actions which must exist transversally and interdisciplinarily within the subjects’ critical formation. How must people foreign to environmental issues be sensitivized when they hardly know what is happening within their own surroundings? How may one speak about Environmental Education among students, staff and teachers who consider the school environment as a dangerous and hostile place? Current analysis investigates the manner people who attend a government school in Marília SP Brazil relate themselves to the school environment and perceive the place.

Author Biography

Vladimir Bertapeli, FFC-Unesp
Graduado em Ciências Sociais, licenciatura e bacharelado, pela Universidade Estadual Paulista - FFC-UNESP; Bolsista Fapesp (Inciação Científica); Membro do Centro de Pesquisas e Estudos Agrários e Ambientais -CPEA, FFC-UNESP e do Centro de Estudos Indígenas Miguel Angel Menéndez - CEIMAM, FCLAr-UNESP; E-mail: vladbertapeli@marilia.unesp.br.
Artigos Originais