Ten years of WTO

  • Juliana Marteli Fais CESUMAR
  • Leda Maria Messias da Silva CESUMAR


The WTO hás just celebrated its tenth anniversary in the year 2005. Originated from the uruguay Round of Negotiations in 1995, with the promise to expand the economy of developing and undeveloped countries, as well as bring about more tolerance in relation to the timing of the necessary adaptations to the international trade. However, there is also much to be questioned in the organization´s anniversary. Through an inductive method, a study was carried out on the negotiations that have already taken place, and it was verified that undeveloped and developing coutries have not economically grown as it had been promised, while industrialized countries continue to be the ones most favored, due to the disrespect to the transparence principle, fundamebntal for the communication with the civil society, and could consequently make them more participative in the multilateral negotiations by the pressure that it can exert upon their governments, since developed coutries have pressed developing coutries, a novelty introduced by the WTO in the multilateral trade arena, has never produced practical effects, as it has become an abstract norm in a general form in the WTO Agreement without specifying how it would be applied. This work aims at studying just a few aspects on the WTO work in the past ten years, seeking to understand what actually takes place inside the organization, which is capable of influencing not only nations, but also civilians, especially the Brazilian civil society.

Author Biographies

Juliana Marteli Fais, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de direito do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá. Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR/PROBIC
Leda Maria Messias da Silva, CESUMAR
Orientadora e Docente do Curso de Direito do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
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