Society’s Symbolic Representations: an Analysis of the Chaves TV Program

  • Lilian Santos de Godoy Prado Universidade Guarulhos – UNG
  • Ana Claudia Fernandes Gomes Universidade Guarulhos – UNG
Keywords: Chaves TV Program, Culture Industry, Television, Semiotics.


TV Chaves program with its repeated episodes and allegedly naïve jokes is analyzed. The Chaves program takes the spectator unobtrusively within the problem of hunger, social inequality, lack of family structure and educational decline. The episodes titled Arithmetic Class and Mocking Spirits were investigated. An interpretation of images in Mocking Spirits was undertaken through Peirce’s semiotics. Current study was undertaken to pinpoint issues that the educator may work with in the classroom to show the difference between reality and fiction, and thus training the students to be critical. In fact, this is what has been suggested by the National Curriculum Parameters, or rather, students must not be alienated by the Cultural Industry, a capitalist system that presents an imaginary world and manipulates the spectators.

Author Biographies

Lilian Santos de Godoy Prado, Universidade Guarulhos – UNG
Eraduanda do curso de Educação Artística (UnG) - bolsista PIBIC. Ex-aluna do centro cultural do Liceu de Artes e Ofícios SP (desenho, figura humana, técnicas de pintura).
Ana Claudia Fernandes Gomes, Universidade Guarulhos – UNG
Docente Mestre em Sociologia na Universidade Guarulhos – UNG. E-mail:
Artigos de Iniciação Científica