Organizational environment: a brief study

  • Paula Hidalgo Zaniboni Zuccoli CESUMAR
  • Narciso Américo Franzin CESUMAR


This article has the objective to verify the organizational environment in a Regional Agricultural Cooperative of Sugar Cane Producers (COOPCANA), as to value its human capital and human motivation. The mothodology applied involved a questionnaire given to the workers in the different sectors of the company. It was observed that the integration between them and the company is fundamental. As a result, it was observed that the organizational environment in perceived by the workers as being adequate to their expectations, but at the same time they feel excluded from the company´s decision taking process, since there is no communication on the reasons for the decisions taken. So that a company may be able to keep a good organizational enviropment, it is necessary efficient communication among all workers, so they do not feel left out and de-motivated. For the general satisfaction, the workers do have an interest in being informed about general aspects matters of the company, so that they can perceive their real importance ij its development and do not become de-motivated to pursue their responsibilities. With that, they can keep a good working environment in the company and can contribute for the success of the company as well as their own pewresonal success. Nowadays, managers and supervisors concerns should be placed on the adequate diagnosis of the actual motivations of those they work with.

Author Biographies

Paula Hidalgo Zaniboni Zuccoli, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Administração do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Narciso Américo Franzin, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Administração do Centro universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Artigos Originais