Academic-professional development: some considerations under the ligth of life´s ethics

  • Rubem Almeida Mariano CESUMAR / UMESP


The present assay deals with the ethics and academic-professional development within university level education. In a first moment, it is briefly presented the problems resulted fron the scientific and technological advances on our planet. It is pointed that university students are inserted in that reality, and as such are called up to contribute ethically for the construction of a society in which life is understood as the greatest asset. Life is claimed, under these cirsumstances, as the discerning ethical criteria. Following the presentation of the terms life, market, morals, ethics, and profession as a mean of stabilising parameters for the understanding of the theme, the presente work tackles the four attitides needed to the ethical dimension of the academic-professoinal development, emphasizing them as the basic attitudes for the development of the university student and, consequently, future professionals, and thus facilitating the constitution of responsible planetary citizens.

Author Biography

Rubem Almeida Mariano, CESUMAR / UMESP
Docente das Faculdades Integradas de Maringá do Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá. Teólogo, Filósofo e aluno regular do Curso de Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais e Religião, nível Doutorado, da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - UMESP.
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