Implications of the new information media on author’s rights

  • Kendra Corrêa Barão CESUMAR
  • Edvaldo Sápia Gonçalves CESUMAR


This paper has had the objective to investigate the conditions in which Authors’ Rights and connected rights are found in the present technological world. It is imperative to highlight the importance of creativity and seriousness as fundamental requirements for the realization of a piece of work. Nonetheless, it is fundamental for this conjoint analysis to look at the social function of the author of an intellectual piece of work, as well as to focus on the importance for the collectivity of divulging this piece of creation. Nowadays, it is the Author’s Rights that make possible greater access to artistic and scientific pieces of work, and that permit a more widespread cultural diffusion all over the country. Apart from that, this research had also the objective to supply the implications of the different forms of publications and translation in the communication media on authorial rights. Based on that, we can conclude that humankind behave as a faithful receptor in search for information. However, we cannot forget that this access must be in conformity with the Author’s Rights and, besides that, consonant with the new society that we live in - made of computers, software, WEB and others of a kind. No doubt that, based on this thought we will avoid many unacceptable gaps in our Author’s Rights.

Author Biographies

Kendra Corrêa Barão, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Direito do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá.
Edvaldo Sápia Gonçalves, CESUMAR
Docente do curso de Direito do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá
Artigos Originais