Eating habits and life style of adolescent students in the public schools in the city of Maringá-PR

  • Angela Andréia França CESUMAR
  • Daniele de Pinho Freitas Kneube CESUMAR
  • Alice Maria de Souza-Kaneshima CESUMAR


The objective of this work has been to know about eating preferences and life style of adolescents registered in a public school in the city of Maringá, PR. The information concerning socio-economical level, life style, physical activities, eating habits and eating frequency were obtained from the adolescents by the means of a questionnaire. A total of 100 adolescents were assessed, 56% of them being female and 44% male. The following results were observed: 85% of the adolescents have between two and four meals a day; breakfast and late supper were the meals mostly omitted, with just 16% and 27% of them reporting having those meals, respectively. It was also found that 65% of the students interviewed do not take any food to school, 23% buy their meal at the canteen three to four times a week and 12% buy it daily. The meals mostly taken by the students were crisps and fried snacks, corresponding to 53% and 23% respectively. It was also found that the habit of watching television is common among the adolescents interviewed, of which 61% reported watching between two to four hours a day. It must be pointed out that they have the majority of meals in front of the television. The practice of physical activities was mentioned by 79% of students. The consumption of some foods occurred with less frequency, as it is the case of vegetables and fruit, with 41 % and 49% of the students interviewed, respectively, do not have these kinds of food daily. Around 59% take between one and two daily portions of meat and 74% one or two portions of vegetables. Concerning milk and dairy products, 60% take one or two portions a day. The consumption o sugars, candies, oils and fats was reported by 57% of the adolescents interviewed, being soft drinks, chewing gums, candies, chocolate and pastries the most consumed. Based on the results found, it can be observed that there is a need for intervention in the eating habits of these adolescents, either by the development of educational projects or by nutritional orientation that aim at changing their eating practice. Besides, it is also necessary to advise the schools’ canteen owners and managers in order that the variety and, especially, quality of the meals offered is increased.

Author Biographies

Angela Andréia França, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Nutrição do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá, Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR (PROBIC)
Daniele de Pinho Freitas Kneube, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Nutrição do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá, Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR (PROBIC)
Alice Maria de Souza-Kaneshima, CESUMAR
Orientadora e docente do curso de Nutrição do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá
Artigos Originais