Creation of a eorking platform for the sisciplines of Algorithms and Data Structure

  • Valdecir Bertoncello CESUMAR


The information technology age is generating, transforming educational proceses, which demands changes and new paradigms in the teaching-learnig process and in the constrution of a university, taking teachers and students to work in a way to construct knowledge. Within this context, computers take an important role: to help the teching process as a communication bridge for educational alms. The present work has the objective of analyzing the use of computers, more specifically the use of the internet, as a helping tool in the teaching-learning process of the students in the first year of their information Technology course at "Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá (CESUMAR)". To assess the process, a bibliographical revision and a historical assessment of the use of technology in Brazilian education, the preparation of teachers and the use of the Internet in eduction have been carried out. Finally, it has been presented a proposl for the implementation of a working tool, a platform werw teachers will make avaliable all the classroom content so that students may have access to the web for their constant updating.

Author Biography

Valdecir Bertoncello, CESUMAR
Docente e Coordenador do Curso de Processamento de Dados das Faculdades Integradas de Maringá - FAIMAR/CESUMAR. Aluno regularmente matriculado no Curso de Doutorado em Informática da Universidade de Ilhas Baleares
Artigos Originais