Innovation Capacity of Firms in the Information Technology Sector
Innovation Capacity, Competences, Culture, Networking, Resources.Abstract
Current research characterizes the innovation capacity of firms from the Information Technology sector through an approach based on the information technology sector and identifies factors that define their innovation capacity. The innovation capacity model by Hii and Neely (2000) was employed, with four variables: (1) a culture based on innovation; (2) adequate physical, human and organizational resources; (3) capacity (competence) to coordinate and introduce resources; (4) networking with clients, suppliers and strategic partners. The descriptive and qualitative research studied a micro (Firm Y) and a small (Firm X) software-producing companies and data were analyzed by content analysis. Results show that the two firms featured several variables of the model although with different degrees of perception.Downloads
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How to Cite
Delafiori, G. A., Didonet, S. R., & Toaldo, A. M. M. (2015). Innovation Capacity of Firms in the Information Technology Sector. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 17(1), 103–117. Retrieved from
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