Publicity Based on Geo-Localization: Creative Possibilities in the use of Localizing System

  • Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena UniCesumar
  • Gesiel Leachi Arruda Mota Unicesumar
Keywords: Publicity Campaigns, Geo-localization, Maringá, Locating Media


The great number of smartphones used by Brazilians and by people worldwide increased exponentially during the last ten years and confirmed the trend of the mobile, localizing and ubiquitous communication era. Constant connection makes users seek information on places, interact with friends and relatives, and experiment a new homepage to watch TV, listen to the news and play games. The same smartphone is used as a platform in which publicity campaigns are prepared. Some agencies establish interactive campaigns and use localizing systems (geo-localization) or localizing media, connection by the Internet and interaction with other persons by online social networks. The communication strategies are called “geo-localization-based publicity”. Current essay forwards a view of such communication activity when it analyzes three successful examples in the publicity media. An experimental project is presented for a campaign to be produced in Maringá PR Brazil within the context of connected smartphones, taking and geo-localizing photos and creating commentaries in an interactive social network and online.

Author Biographies

Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena, UniCesumar
Docente do Mestrado em Promoção da Saúde e dos cursos de Comunicação Social e Artes Visuais do Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR); Docente temporário no curso de Comunicação e Multimeios na Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM).
Gesiel Leachi Arruda Mota, Unicesumar
Discente do curso de Publicidade e Propaganda do Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR).