• Priscila Thurler de Melo Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
  • Isabelly da Costa Reis Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
  • Gabriela Gomes Guimarães Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
  • Ana Cristina Fernandez Rey Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
  • Adilis Kalina Alexandria Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
  • Thais Rodrigues Campos Soares Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Keywords: Teeth trauma, Primary teeth, Complications.


Trauma in primary teeth is routine in dentistry, requiring great ability and common sense in dealing with the patient or kin. Teeth trauma may bring about sequences in primary teeth and in developing permanent ones, due to a close anatomic relationship between the primary teeth apexes and the germs of permanent teeth. Current assay forwards teeth sequelae after trauma in primary teeth in a patient without any dental treatment. A ten-year old male made a visit to the UNIVERSO dentistry clinic, without any complaints. Clinical exam revealed color change and prolonged retention of element 51 which caused an eruption deviation in the permanent successor and, consequently, previous crossed bite. Tutors confirmed trauma history at element 51 when five years old, but did not remember the manner and place of accident. They did not mention any dental treatment after the trauma. After radiographic evaluation and exam, exodonty of the deciduous element was performed and the patient was forwarded to orthodental treatment. A fixed inclined plane was executed to relocate the permanent successor. Results show that trauma causes sequelae in the primary tooth and in the permanent successor. Further, lack of treatment and follow-up may have contributed towards an eruption deviation in permanent teeth. Correction of the anterior crossed bite was successful after adequate treatment.

Author Biographies

Priscila Thurler de Melo, Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
Isabelly da Costa Reis, Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
Gabriela Gomes Guimarães, Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
Aluna de Graduação em Odontologia da UNIVERSO
Ana Cristina Fernandez Rey, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Professora de Ortodontia da UNIVERSO (campus Niteroi)
Adilis Kalina Alexandria, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Professora de Odontopediatria da UNIVERSO (campus Niteroi)
Thais Rodrigues Campos Soares, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Especialista em Endodontia pela UFRJ Mestre e Doutora em Odontopediatria pela UFRJ Professora de Odontopediatria da UNIVERSO (campus Niteroi)


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