Music applied to the teaching of computing for work training courses

  • Ludhiana Bertoncello CESUMAR
  • Márcio Rogério dos Santos CESUMAR


This work was carried out in a computing school with young and adult people using music as the methodology for the teaching of computing, with the objective of simplifying and facilitating the teacher´s work, as well as to guarantee and motivate students participation. for the development of the methodology, a few songs that talk about computers were used, sang by students and teachers with the accompaniment of a guitar. Using music as a pedagogical resource we found an innovative tool for the teaching of computing with very satisfactory sesults not only for students, but for the teachers as well.

Author Biographies

Ludhiana Bertoncello, CESUMAR
Mestre, Docente do Curso de Especialização (Lato Sensu) em Informática Educacional do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Márcio Rogério dos Santos, CESUMAR
Discente do Curso de Especialização (Lato Sensu) em Informática Educacional do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Artigos Originais