• Eduardo Sales de Lima Unicesumar
Keywords: Reformation, God, Luther, Theology.


A rereading of Luther´s theology within the Protestant Reformation is provided so that it would be a paradigm for the theological perspectives of current Brazilian churches. Luther´s combative spirit against theological attempts to dominate God and Luther´s propositions for theological reform are focused as perspectives for current theological thought. Research tries to reinterpret the Reformation, Luther and the Roman Catholic Church and provides a conciliating view within the spirit of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. Luther´s combative spirit questions and proposes the reformation of Scholastic Theology. The main thesis is centered on the statement: Let God be God. Luther´s reflections are then proposed, his concept on God and the manners God is understood by Scholastic theology and by the Enthusiasts. The freedom of the imaginary and discourse on God is proposed with regard to those who refuse to see God as God. The thesis “Let God be God” is interpreted and becomes the construction of a paradigm which comprehends religious reality. A brief parallel with Brazilian religious reality is given in which Luther´s theological span is presented as necessary to answer religions´ needs and expectations.

Author Biography

Eduardo Sales de Lima, Unicesumar
Doutorando em Teologia pela Faculdades EST, professor Unicesumar,, prof. convidado Puc/PR e coordenador do CETAD Maringa. Escritor e atua na área de Bíblia, Teologias, Aconselhamento e estudos pós-coloniais.


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