The teaching of Sociology, Didactic games, High schoolAbstract
Experiences on the application of didactic games in the discipline of Sociology in government-run high schools in Parnaiba in 2017 are investigated. The experience was proposed by the discipline Sociology of Education in the Course of Social Sciences of the Universidade Estadual do Piauí, campus Professor Alexandre Alves de Oliveira. The students had to prepare and apply didactic games in municipal schools to evaluate the manner the didactic tool could contribute for in-depth studies on the themes. The games were set to facilitate learning of contents and enhance students´ participation. In fact, games may help against mediocrity in high schooling through more dynamic practice. Games Trilogy, Privilege and Square Lives involved all students who concluded that the didactic games were able to materialize a more effective and attractive educational process. Students would replace the passive condition and occupy the position of co-producers of knowledgeReferences
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