
  • Marcela de Jesus Dias Pontifícia Universidade Católica



Charismas, Tongues, Prophecy


Paul´s narrative on the gift of tongues and prophecy in 1 cor 14.1-40 demonstrates the conflicts that gifts caused within the Christian community of Corinth. During his stay in the port city, Paul witnessed the birth of a numerous Christian community composed of poor pagans (Christian faith and Hellenic culture) and people from the Jewish community. The First Letter to the people of Corinth was written to guide a divided community. One issue was related to the use of gifts to one´s benefit and to the benefit of the community. Current analysis deals with Paul´s instruction on the inadequate use of tongues and prophecies that was causing difficulties. The historical, literary and theological levels are discussed in current essay. Results reveal that conflicts were due to the selfishness of the people of Corinth. Paul is highly concerned with the building of the community: he wanted that gifts were used for the benefit of all, without any stance of superiority. His exhortation deals with order in the liturgy so that all present (converted or not) would be edified. The study also provides present issues within the charismatic communities of today.

Author Biography

Marcela de Jesus Dias, Pontifícia Universidade Católica



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How to Cite

Dias, M. de J. (2018). THE GIFT OF TONGUES AND PROPHECY IN 1 COR 14.1-40. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 20(1), 85–94.