Hemerobic Classification of Landscape Units of the Hydrographic Basin of the Cará-Cará River, Ponta Grossa – Pr

  • Andreza Rocha de Freitas UEPG
  • Silvia Méri Carvalho UEPG


The appropriation of the ecosystems by human activities had been causing significant transformations. When trying to assess and follow the changes caused by the land use, concepts that is good to be as base to this kind of study appears. The hemeroby concept is one of them and determines the landscape’s changes degree, the artificiality’s degree and natural environment. The adopted classification on the present paper was the following ones: anemeoroby (natural landscapes or with little anthropogenic interference); oligoemeoroby (more natural landscapes then artificial ones); mesoemeoroby (more artificial landscapes than natural ones) and euemeoroby (artificial landscapes). This work aims at identifying and analyze the artificiality and natural’s degree from the hydrographic basin of the Cará-Cará river, at Ponta Grossa city – Paraná state (PR). To obtain that, the land use map was made using image Landsat 7. After its elaboration was possible the production of the hemeroby’s letter, that was analyzed according to the anthropogenic interference’s degree existing at the studied area. It was concluded that only 10,62% (777,36ha) of the basin area adequate itself in the euemeoroby’s class, which is the same area occupied by urban and industrial activities, it means, areas which suffered more with human interference.

Author Biographies

Andreza Rocha de Freitas, UEPG
Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Mestrado em Gestão do Território da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa– UEPG; Bolsista CAPES.
Silvia Méri Carvalho, UEPG
Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Mestrado em Gestão do Território da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – UEPG.
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