• Eliane Righi de Andrade Pontifícia Universidade Católica
  • Janaina Ferreira Coriolano Pontifícia Universidade Católica
Keywords: Media discourse and political discourse, Identity, Will to truth.


The construction of identity processes on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, the current incumbent of the US presidency, is analyzed through representations released in the media throughout the election period. The manner by which these representations may be found in the media and their possible meaning effects are investigated. Trump´s candidate discourses are seen from the candidate´s own discourses and from those of the CNN corporation, employing cuttings and transcription of videos and reports. Through the linguistic materiality and imagetics of the cuttings, the construction of the discourse by the media on the candidate is analyzed, coupled to its repercussions in the campaign, up to the results. Cuttings will make us understand Foucault´s ‘will to truth’ in the discourse and their impacts on voters in decision taking. Further, the ‘will to truth’ communicates with the ‘post-truth’, since emotions and personal beliefs are frequently more powerful in the formation of public opinion than sheer facts. Results show that, although the media has an important role in identity formation, the meaning effects of disseminated representations produced are difficult to harness, whilst questioning the construction and existence of the sole truth and making the unforeseen emerge from the US election event.

Author Biographies

Eliane Righi de Andrade, Pontifícia Universidade Católica
Doutora e pós-doutora em Linguística Aplicada, pela Universidade de Campinas, é professora na graduação (Letras) e no Mestrado interdisciplinar stricto sensu Linguagens, Mídia e Arte, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Brasil.
Janaina Ferreira Coriolano, Pontifícia Universidade Católica
Graduanda no curso de Letras e Bolsista pelo CNPq no ano de 2017/2018 de Iniciação Científica no curso de Letras Inglês/Português da PUC/Campinas, Brasil


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