Keywords: Critical literacy, teaching of English, Graffiti, Applied linguistics


A didactic activity with two possibilities, Critical Literacy and Research, is discussed. In the case of Critical Literacy, a didactic sequence was developed on the theme graffiti beyond the dichotomy art or vandalism, perceived by three undergraduates of the Extension Course of the Language and Literature Faculty of UFMG. Structured interviews were prepared with the participants on perception and conflicts on didactic activity, with debates so that the aims of the qualitative paradigm research could be reached. Results of the discussion triggered the question: How may graffiti be a transforming agent in the students´ life to empower them as from the classroom? Research has been prepared for students of the Extension Course of the Language and Literature Faculty of (FALE/UFMG), but may be extended to students of government-run schools. A graffiti workshop, coupled to other themes related to Applied Linguistics, is aimed at.

Author Biography

Giulia Soster Caminha, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Graduanda em Letras/Inglês pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Atualmente é professora de inglês no curso de extensão da faculdade de letras CENEX/FALE. Participa do Grupo de Pesquisa em Estudos Críticos sobre Linguagens, Letramentos e Educação, registrado no CNPq, e suas pesquisas concentram-se na área de Ensino Crítico de Inglês.


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