Assessment of the nutritional condition of Maringá´s fire brigade, and the implantation of a nutrition education program

  • Amauri Aparecido Bassoli de Oliveira CESUMAR
  • Ivete Maria Cenci Marin CESUMAR


This work has been carried out with the purpose of diagnosing the nutritional condition, and assessing Maringá´s Fire Brigade living and eating habits. Thus, a questionnaire was given containing objective and subjective questions about the participants eating habits, social-economical characteristics and health condition. In addition, a 24-hour recording for the assessment of food consumption was undertaken, as well as laboratorial exams to assess the main health biochemical indicators (fasting glycemy, and a complete lipid and blood counts). It was assessed 56 firemen with age ranging from 20 to 55 years, the majority (35,85%) between 36 to 40 years, 86,79% were married, 84,91% had children, and 86,79% lived with their wives and children. According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) 65,38% were considered eutrophic, 30, 76% were overweight and 3,34% were grade 1 obese. The waist measurements results showed that 88,63% presented no risk for cardiovascular or chronic diseases; 6,81% presented high risk and 4,54% very high risk. In relation to their education, 67,92% had completed secondary school. A total of 77,36% of the participants claimed that they did not have chronic diseases. The same number (77,36%) rfeported chronic diseases in the family, the mother being the most mentioned relative, and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) the most common diasease. Food allergy was denied by 84,91% of the participants, and those who answered affirmatively mentioned allergy to shrimps, milk, animal fat and condimented foods In regard to physical activity, 94,72%), breakfast, lunch and eating habits revealed the following behavior: in general this population reported three daily meals (54,72%), breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared by their wives (55,26%). However, the vast majority (88,68%) had the habit of eating out one to three times a week (69,81%). When asked aboud their knowledge on nutrition, 81,13% answered that they did not know what a Food Pyramid is, and 50,94% did not know which are the main food component normal levels of fasting glucose and they also showed that their blood count was normal, but 5,6% of the individuals preented alterations in their lipid profile. the 24-hour recording results showed that 8,7% consumed a daily caloric value above their necessities (above the VTE calculated): the amounts of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the diet were adequate for 93,5%, 61%, and 21,74% of the fact that Maringá´s fireghters were in their majority eutrophic and practiced physical activities, a significant part were overweight as a result of the macronutrients unbalance found in the assessment of their eating habits. these results highlight the importance of combining physical activity with a balanced diet in a working population that is constantly demanded in activities that requires quickness and readiness to act.

Author Biographies

Amauri Aparecido Bassoli de Oliveira, CESUMAR
Discente do Curso de Educação Física do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Ivete Maria Cenci Marin, CESUMAR
Docente do Curso de Educação Física do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
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