Theorentical-methodological considerations in the study od video-journalism´s spectacle

  • Raul Tavela Zermiani CESUMAR
  • Alberto Carlos Augusto Klein CESUMAR


This article aims at introducing the reader into the theoretical-methodological debate about the study of the spectacle in journalism, especially in video-journalism. We will initially discuss some fundamental concepts for the understanding of the theme according to the considerations by authors who are concerned with studying the communication process. Later, we will make an analysis of the possible approaches to the subject. Finally, some conclusions about those analyses will be presented.

Author Biographies

Raul Tavela Zermiani, CESUMAR
Graduado em Jornalismo pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Alberto Carlos Augusto Klein, CESUMAR
Orientador e Docente do Curso de Comunicação Social do Centro universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Artigos Originais