Teachers perceptions about their practice observation of activities in children education

  • Solange Franci Raimundo Yaegashi CESUMAR / UEM
  • Waléria Henrique dos Santos Leonel CESUMAR


Along its history, the day nunseries have assumed an assisting role. Women´s expansion in the labor market has caused an increased search for the kind of service offered by these institutions. However, although not being their true role, day nurseries are atill seen as a watching place so that the mother can go out to work day nursery conception as a pedagogical place replacing their assisting character, has led teachers to change their role to children education professionals and to take the function of educating practices, as well as to verify if the pre-schools observed carry out pedagogical activities considered importabt by HOHMANN (apud MAGNANI, 1998). The professional´s formation was also verified. In a first moment, a bibliographical investigation was carried out on children development in this age group, and on the activities developed in the day nurseries. It has been conclued that teachers lack information about children development, and that onservice training would be one of the most effective ways to capacitate them in their pedagogical practice.

Author Biographies

Solange Franci Raimundo Yaegashi, CESUMAR / UEM
Orientadora da Pesquisa. Docente do Curso de Psicologia do CESUMAR e do Mestrado em Educação da UEM.
Waléria Henrique dos Santos Leonel, CESUMAR
Aluna do Curso de Psicologia do CESUMAR.
Artigos Originais