Morfometric analyse of human femur and your morfofuntional

  • Telma Gomes Faria CESUMAR
  • Sonia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini CESUMAR / UEM


The angle formed by head and col femur, measure 125 degrees generally, being that its alterations can cause imp varum, when angle will be lower the 125 degrees, or limp valgum, when it will be higher 125 degrees, Another on angle of excelent clinical importance is antevertion. Change in this angle can cause alterations muscle-skeletion the by prejudice the functions of the locomotive apparatus. The aim of this study was to make a morfometric study of femur in disarticulated human skeletions, looking for to stablish possible morfofuncions correlations in 100 femures had been checked the anglesnof inclinations, beingbthat in 28 of them, the minimin value fund was checked too For collection of datas was used an goniometry about the angle of inclination, the minimum value found was 105 degrees and maxim was 140 degrees, with mean 125,87 ± 5,83. with reference to angle of antevertion the minimum value was 5 degrees, maximum 35 degrees and mean 13 degrees ± 6,43. These results showed that mensurement femures hair caracteristics are agree with models of normality described in literature.

Author Biographies

Telma Gomes Faria, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Fisioterapia do CESUMAR.
Sonia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini, CESUMAR / UEM
Docente do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR e da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM
Artigos Originais