Children´s education, Historical and critical pedagogy, Teaching organizationAbstract
Contributions by Historical and Critical Pedagogy are provided for the organization of teaching in kindergartens. They are analyzed by a bibliographic study based on presupositions by Saviani (1994; 2007; 2011; 2012), Martins (2013a; 2013b) and Gasparin (2011). The origin and development of Historical and Critical Pedagogy, born in the late 1970s, are discussed, in the wake of needs of a critical theory for Brazilian education. Based on these studies, children´s education, its historicity, legal aspects, with special foregrounding on the development of 4 – 5-year old children, and the concepts of children´s periodization are investigated. Results reveal three principles for the guidance of the organization of kindergartens, namely, the importance of teaching based on scientific knowledge on child education; periodization of psychic development and implications for the organization of teaching in children´s education; the threesome subject-content-form in the organization of the planning of teaching in cxhildren´s education.References
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