Didactic resources, Literacy, Reading and writingAbstract
Literacy teachers have to ponder on means and strategies for the Organization of Pedagogical Work (OPW) aiming at teaching writing and reading as from discussions on the properties and principles of the Alphabetic Writing System (AWS) and based on the social practices of students’ reading and writing. In other words, one has to adequate didactic resources to teaching practices that articulate with experiences of learners outside the school. Current work is a section of a larger research to analyze daily teaching practices in the school on the organization of pedagogical work and identify the didactic resources used by teachers in the classroom in the first literacy class. Based on qualitative ethnographic research, thirty investigations were undertaken in three government-run schools in Recife, Brazil, between 2016 and 2017. Results revealed that the blackboard and exercise books are the most used tools, even though other tools exist on the premise. The textbook was used in different ways even though rarely used during lessons. Games and technological resources were present in classroom routine but for short duration and corresponded to resources which most provided interest and concentration. Further, interviews with teachers showed that in classes where games and electronic games were employed, the number of students with greater knowledge in writing was greater than in classes in which the teacher did not employ these means.References
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