Autonomy, Non-school education, Educational experiences, Socially vulnerableAbstract
Educational experiences of NGOs dedicated to socially vulnerable children and adolescents enrolled in tutoring and learning support classes, verified possible contributions of these experiences for the autonomy of children and adolescents. Methodology comprised the study of multiple cases (YIN, 2005) by interpretative analysis (TRIVIÑOS, 1987). Data were retrieved from chats with adolescents in field research for a 2018 dissertation and interviews with children and adolescents in NGOs, triggering an on-going thesis since 2019. Theoretical reference was foregrounded on John Dewey (1971) and Paulo Freire (1987; 1996) on “learning through experience”; Zucchetti & Moura (2016; 2019) on non-school education; and Paulo Freire (1983; 1987), with idea of being greater, liberating activities and autonomy. Non-school experiences in education may contribute towards the autonomy of agents when there are possibilities of critical analysis of the context and challenges to take alternatives for the solution of problems through the involvement in the activities of NGOs and within the area. Intentionality of practices should be taken into account. They should contribute towards emancipation and autonomy of agents, making them aware of their choice in searching for alternatives and opportunities of change.References
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