Intervention, Social capacity, Teacher-student relationshipAbstract
The teacher´s job comprises curricular practice and discussions on how to do it. Current paper describes and analyzes the effects of the School Interaction Quality Program (PQIE) on teachers´ social skills. Seven teachers of the first years in Basic Education (3rd, 4th and 5th years) participated. Study focused on five stages: propaganda and enrolment, selection of participants, collection of data of the pre-test; intervention and collection of data of the post-test. Social Skills Inventory (SSI) answered by teachers was employed for data collection. Comparison data between pre- and post-test identified increase in general and factorial scores of social skills after intervention, with special reference to coping with and self-affirmation against risks. Corroborated by other studies, data reveal the influence and importance of social skills within the teacher-student complex. Further studies with a larger sample and possible comparison with other groups (experimental and control) are required to identify other variables of social skills in the teacher-student relationship.References
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