Assessment of the objectives for the recovering of periodontal surgical wounds with surgical cement

  • Fábio de Melo Milanezi
  • Letícia Helena Theodoro
  • Luiz Alberto Milanezi UNESP
  • Valdir Gouveia Garcia UNESP
  • Wesley Falcão Tuler CESUMAR


In this reearch, the authors assessed wihch are the objectives for the recovering of periodontal surgical wounds with surgical cament. The collection of data was carried out through a questionnaire pplied to a population of teaching periodontology in 120 dental Brazilian universities. Six objective questions covered the following points: 1) Does the surgical cement protect the surgical area? 2) Does it protect the surgical area and promotes its healing? 3) Does it protect the surgical area and supplies greater comfort and commodity to the ptient during port-operatory? 4) Does it protect the surgical area and promote the reduction of risks of injuries? 5) Does it protect the surgical area and reduce bleeding? 6) Others objectives. The questionnaire answered by 72 teachers had their information collected and tabulated. from the reults obtained, it has been conluded that the teachers responsible for periodontology, in relation to the objective for recovering the wounds with the olacement of surgical cement, have justifiable reasons for its use, which are based on the literature or on their routine professional procedures.

Author Biographies

Fábio de Melo Milanezi
Cirurgião Dentista
Letícia Helena Theodoro
Cirurgião Dentista
Luiz Alberto Milanezi, UNESP
Docente na UNESP
Valdir Gouveia Garcia, UNESP
Docente na UNESP
Wesley Falcão Tuler, CESUMAR
Docente no CESUMAR
Artigos Originais