Adolescents’ Perception on Adolescence

  • Marina Tiemi Kobiyama Sonohara Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
  • Alex Eduardo Gallo Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Keywords: Adolescents, Sexuality, Relationship.


Adolescence is a phase in human development characterized by revolt, alternating childish and adult attitudes, and marked by many conflicting emotions and feelings which produce deep anxiety. Current research characterizes the social and environmental conditions of development and its implications and identifies the emotional factors that cause adolescent revolt within the family context and its influence on the socialization process. Subjects comprise twenty adolescents within the 11 – 15 year-old bracket, equally divided into males and females. Sample was composed of 10 male and 10 female adolescents, from five randomly chosen districts in Astorga PR Brazil. Adolescents interviewed had a good knowledge on the body’s physical changes and sexuality. They talk on these theme with friends, acknowledge and seek freedom and independence common to all adolescents, even though the older participants acknowledge the needs of certain limits.

Author Biographies

Marina Tiemi Kobiyama Sonohara, Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Discente do Curso de Psicologia do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR; Bolsista PROBIC. E-mail:
Alex Eduardo Gallo, Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Docente do Curso de Psicologia do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail: aedgallo@yahoo
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