Price Evaluation of Beef Cattle in the State of Goiás, Brazil from 2008 to 2012


  • Alan Cesar Monteiro Correa Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Igor Argueles Leão Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Lawrencio Tálio Araújo Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Luiz Augusto Soares Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Waldemar Antônio Souza Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM



Beef Cattle, Goiás, Future Market, Spot Market


Beef cattle are a relevant segment in agribusiness in Brazil and recent results in productivity and quality have underscored Brazil within the international scenario. However, uncertainties in prices for the commercialization of the product expose the agents in the productive chain to risks that may compromise results. Knowledge on the prices of beef cattle on the market is a relevant market differential for the planning of cattle production and definition of negotiation strategies. Current analysis evaluates prices of beef cattle in the state of Goiás, Brazil, by listing prices practiced on the physical and future markets from January 2008 to December 2012. High price instability either in cash or for future business of the commodity has been reported during the period under analysis. Further, there was also a great gap between the spot and future market when compared to results given in previous research. Results show a great weakness in prices given by the difference between the price on the physical market and the future one.

Author Biographies

Alan Cesar Monteiro Correa, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Auditor Fiscal da Secretaria de Fazenda do Amazonas com atuação na área de estudos econômico-tributários

Igor Argueles Leão, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Acadêmicos da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, Manaus, AM, Brasil

Lawrencio Tálio Araújo, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Acadêmicos da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, Manaus, AM, Brasil

Luiz Augusto Soares, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Docente Adjunto da Faculdade de Estudos Sociais da Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM, Manaus, AM, Brasil.

Waldemar Antônio Souza, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Docente Adjunto da Faculdade de Estudos Sociais da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM - Manaus, AM, Brasil.



How to Cite

Correa, A. C. M., Leão, I. A., Araújo, L. T., Soares, L. A., & Souza, W. A. (2014). Price Evaluation of Beef Cattle in the State of Goiás, Brazil from 2008 to 2012. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 7(3).


