Effect of glyphosate Herbicide Roundup Original® on non-target organisms by the mesocosm model
Bacteria, Phytoplankton, Glyphosate, Non-target organisms, PeriphytonAbstract
Lake mesocosms were established to evaluate the effect of glyphosate on non-target organisms for the control of the floating aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (1883) and Salvinia sp. Roundup Original® was used. The effect on bacteria by assays was evaluated for the determination of total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria counts on phytoplankton, periphyton, snails and fish. Fluctuations in the bacteria community occurred with rapid reestablishment, without any significant consequences for water quality not to cause any alteration in the community, not even to pathogens. Phytoplankton and periphyton showed a decrease in species richness and Shannon diversity, no significant increase in the density of organisms and changes in the relative abundance of species families. Fish and snails did not reproduce during approximately 20 days, after which they reproduced and grew. Assays were conducted with complete macrophyte coverage and revealed that the use of the formula in environments with uncontrolled growth of floating aquatic macrophytes, in the tested concentration and with aspersion control, without causing a significant effect on the non-target organisms under analysis. Non-significant alterations may be enhanced by herbicides and the possibility of the selection of species resistant to target organisms.References
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