The influence of veganism within the agro-food segment
Agribusiness, Life style, Systematic review, VeganAbstract
Alternative consumption forms, foregrounded on different positions related to diet, such as veganism, vegetarianism and others, are on the increase, with an increase in adherents to the movement and underscoring animal well bring. The vegan market is related to food production. Current research describes the influence of veganism within the agro-food segment. A systematic and bibliometric analysis was undertaken with regard to scientific publications at databases Web of ScienceTM and Scielo. Twenty-three scientific articles were detected based on keywords vegan* and agri* in the title, abstract or keywords. Results of the articles relate vegan diet with food production since the research works suggest changes in the name of the products that complement the food diet to educate consumers on more health food choices. Vegan diet is associated with three motives: right of animals, personal well-being and/or health and environment. Results show that veganism is connected with the agro-food sector incorporated within food production chains, reflecting an economic, social and environmental aspect among peoples. It provides a sustainable alternative diet and conscious consumption to consumers that adopt such a new life style.References
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