Evolution, diversity, levels of social reproduction and priorities for agriculture in Ajuricaba (RS)
Analysis and diagnosis, Agrarian systems, Family farming, SustainabilityAbstract
Agriculture takes place under different conditions, which allows the expression of different productive systems in a territory. In view of this, the present study aimed to diagnose the agriculture in the municipality of Ajuricaba RS and propose development strategies. The evolution of agriculture, the agro-ecological zoning, the characterization of the main production systems, and the definition of action priorities were studied. Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted with production units, as well as secondary data and maps. Among the main results, we highlight the high presence of family farming, the evolution of agriculture in five periods and the presence of fourteen types of production systems and three specific cases. Among the systems, three do not reach the level of social reproduction of a monthly minimum wage per unit of work, which are Family Farmers who only produce grain; Family Farmers with little intensive milk production and Family Farmers with high dependence on soybean crop. These types should be prioritized in the implementation of activities and projects aimed at their social, economic and environmental viability in order to remain in the agricultural activity.References
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