Production and quality of Kent Mango (Mangifera indica L.) under different irrigation systems in the Semi-Arid Northeastern Brazil




Irrigation management, Mango, Phytotechnology


Due to the significant production of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) for Brazilian agriculture and its dependence on irrigation which makes available its culture in semi-arid regions, current analysis identifies the adequate irrigation level for the Kent mango culture in the Brazilian semi-arid regions. Assay, conducted in open country of the Fazenda Special Fruit, in Petrolina, Brazil, featured randomized blocks with 4 treatments and 5 replications, with four plants per assay split, with two useful plants each. Treatments comprised irrigation levels at 60, 80, 100 and 120% of evapotranspiration of the recommended culture (ETc). Evaluated parameters comprised fruit production, quality (soluble solid rates, total titratable acidity, steadfastness, physiology (photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration and leaf temperature) and economic analysis (fixed costs, variable costs and income, with regard to treatments. Estimates of highest productivity rates for the mango Kent was 36.4 and 31,0 t ha-1, for the two cycles, under an irrigation level of approximately 82% of ETc. Highest stomatal conductance in Kent mango leaves was obtained by irrigation level at 79.28% of ETc. Decrease in irrigation level up to 60% of ETc provides greater efficiency in water use for Kent mango culture. However, the highest net income was retrieved from level 80% of ETc.

Author Biographies

Welson Lima Simões, Embrapa Semiárido

Pesquisador – Embrapa Semiárido, Petrolina (PE), Brasil

Victor Pimenta Andrade, IF Sertão-PE

Engenheiro Agrônomo – IF Sertão PE, Santa Maria da Boa Vista (PE), Brasil.

Maria Aparecida do Carmo Mouco, Embrapa Semiárido

Pesquisadora – Embrapa Semiárido, Petrolina (PE), Brasil.

José Sebastião Costa de Sousa, IF Sertão-PE

Docente – IF Sertão PE, Petrolina (PE), Brasil.

João Ricardo Ferreira de Lima, Embrapa Semiárido

Pesquisador – Embrapa Semiárido, Petrolina (PE), Brasil.



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How to Cite

Simões, W. L., Andrade, V. P., Mouco, M. A. do C., Sousa, J. S. C. de ., & Lima, J. R. F. de . (2021). Production and quality of Kent Mango (Mangifera indica L.) under different irrigation systems in the Semi-Arid Northeastern Brazil. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 14(2), 305–314.


