Volumetric contraction of ‘Itália’ Grape
Dehydration, Storage, Vitis vinifera L., Water lossAbstract
Fruit dehydration is a promising and little explored market in Brazil. One of the main problems with water removal from fruits is the loss of quality of Altered functions due to the high water content. The objective of this work is to analyze the volumetric contraction during drying of 'Itália' grape berries. The fruits were submitted to drying under controlled temperature conditions (60 and 70 ºC) until reaching the final moisture content in air equilibrium. Drying curves, composition variables, volumetric shrinkage index and fit of mathematical models such as drying curves and volumetric shrinkage were constructed. Drying time lost 38 and 48 hours at temperatures of 60 and 70 ºC when moisture content reaches close to 20% (dry drought). There was greater volumetric contraction of the luggage under a temperature of 70 ºC. The mathematical model that best fits a volumetric contraction analysis at 60 ºC as the model by Corrêa et al. (2011) and the exponential at 70 ºC.References
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