Water quality assessment used in the family agroindustries in Vale fos Sinos


  • Roberto Harb Naime Centro Universitário Feevale
  • Sérgio Carvalho Centro Universitário Feevale
  • Carlos Augusto Nascimento Centro Universitário Feevale




Alimentos, Agroindústrias, Água, Food, Agroindustries, Water.


Water is a fundamental factor for the quality of the benefited agribusiness products. When it comes to food processing, the thought is for water quality and sufficient quantity to serve all sections of the industry unit. Furthermore, it must be drinking water, so the physical, chemical and microbiological tests shall be as required by law. The vast majority of family agribusiness uses water from their own catchment, from underground wells or springs. The objective of this study was to analyze the water quality used by families agribusiness from the Vale dos Sinos, comparing the results obtained with the established Order potability parameters in 518/2004 of the Health Ministry. Water samples were collected in 25 region family agroindustries and analyzed some water physico-chemical and microbiological tests. All determinations were performed in the Analytical Central Feevale University Center through procedures based on Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21ed. The determined physical and chemical parameters showed, in most are satisfactory results by the indicated current legislation, with few values exceeding the VMP.

Author Biographies

Roberto Harb Naime, Centro Universitário Feevale

Doutor em Engenharia Ambiental; Docente do mestrado em Qualidade Ambiental do Centro Universitário Feevale - ICET FEEVALE. E-mail: rnaime@feevale.br

Sérgio Carvalho, Centro Universitário Feevale

Coordenador do mestrado em Qualidade Ambiental do Centro Universitário Feevale - ICET FEEVALE. E-mail: scarvalho@feevale.br

Carlos Augusto Nascimento, Centro Universitário Feevale

Mestre em Qualidade Ambiental; Docente do Centro Universitário Feevale - ICET FEEVALE. E-mail: cnascimento@feevale.br



How to Cite

Naime, R. H., Carvalho, S., & Nascimento, C. A. (2009). Water quality assessment used in the family agroindustries in Vale fos Sinos. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 2(1), 105–119. https://doi.org/10.17765/2176-9168.2009v2n1p105-119


