• Rogério Eduardo Rodrigues Bazi PUC-Campinas
  • Giulia Bucheroni
  • Julia Vasconcelos Affonso
Keywords: Correio Popular, On line platform, Printed edition


News reported on two platforms by the large circulation newspaper Correio Popular, published in Campinas, Brazil, is analyzed. Analysis was undertaken between 15 and 21 March 2017 to verify whether there was or not any differences between the on line and printed editions. Prints from the on line edition were taken every two hours within the section Campinas and its Metropolitan Regions at www.cpopular.com.br. In the case of the printed edition, the area of the newspaper´s site for subscribers was retrieved with regard to the printed matter on the above-mentioned dates. Results revealed that the convergent environment of the two editions is only slightly susceptible to any change.

Author Biographies

Rogério Eduardo Rodrigues Bazi, PUC-Campinas
Docente do Programa de Mestrado em Linguagens, Mídia e Arte e da Faculdade de Jornalismo da PUC-Campinas. Doutor em Comunicação.
Giulia Bucheroni
Acadêmica da Faculdade de Jornalismo da PUC-Campinas
Julia Vasconcelos Affonso
Acadêmica da Faculdade de Jornalismo da PUC-Campinas


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