• Luisa Maria Salazar Acosta Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa)
  • Nora Rihouet Universidad Catolica de Salta
  • Pedro Peretti Universidad Catolica de Salta
  • Juan Barrinuevo Universidad Catolica de Salta
Keywords: Learning didactic, Teaching and learning processes, Design, Architectural project.


This paper is an account of experience on the practices of research and teaching, and the analysis and reflections that we have been carrying out in the Chair of Design of the Architecture career at the Catholic University of Salta, Province of Salta - Argentina. The process of reformulation of the teaching of Design or Architectural Project implies, from our perspective, the demand for didactic knowledge. The generation of strategies for the transformation in the teaching processes starts with the development of a research project in 2016 aimed at improving teaching practices for the optimization of student learning. For this, we set ourselves objectives that constituted challenges and important commitments with the teaching task. This case report that aims to then describe the experiences experienced in the transformation process in the reformulation of teaching. To carry out this process, we proceeded to a bibliographic review and review, an analysis of the subject’s program and an evaluation of the students’ productions in light of the learning objectives set. From this we were able to identify aspects that require modifications and plan changes for future actions and be able to contribute effectively in the construction of significant learning by students.


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