The concretization of fundamental human rights: positivism, interpretation and legal security

  • Pablo Jiménez Serrano Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda, UniFOA
Keywords: Realization of rights, Fundamental human rights, Will, Consciousness, Action


This article aims to discuss the factors that affect the failure to fulfill fundamental human rights in Brazilian and Latin American societies. Through doctrinal and historical-realistic (empirical) research, the obstacles that limit the longed-for achievement are characterized. The chosen methodology was the deductive method, through bibliographic research, jusphilosophical and normative doctrine, Brazilian and foreign, having as theoretical frameworks, among others, the works “The law as a text: four studies of communicational theory of law”, by Gregorio Robles, “Legal philosophy course”, by Pablo Jiménez Serrano and “The era of rights”, by Norberto Bobbio. Based on these works, it discusses the importance and perspectives of a communicational theory of law and the limits that the legal text imposes on implementation, due to the lack of knowledge or misuse of legislative techniques. The concept, meaning and scope of the realization of fundamental human rights are also discussed. It is concluded that the mandate and responsibility for realizing rights is of a state, governmental and social nature, with solidarity and social coexistence as guiding principles of this process, in addition to economic interests and political parties.

Author Biography

Pablo Jiménez Serrano, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda, UniFOA
Doutor em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Oriente, Cuba. Professor e pesquisador do Programa de Mestrado em Direito do Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo- UNISAL. Docente e pesquisador do Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda (UniFOA), Brasil.


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