Hippuric Acid Assessment as an Occupational Exposure Biomarker in Workers of Gas Stations
Occupational health, Pharmacological biomarkers, Gas pump.Abstract
One of the more marketed fuels is the gasoline, that consists of a mixture of derived petroleum hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbons aromatics, as the benzene, toluene and xylene are present in the composition of the gasoline. The hippuric acid is considered a marker of occupational exposure for the toluene. This way, the objective of this work was to evaluate the workers' exposure in the gas station through the urine dosage of hippuric acid. The present study was accomplished in the municipal district of Concordia (Santa Catarina), in the period of May to June, 2009, with gas station workers. They were chosen 10 gas station, the samples were constituted by 30 workers, 2 involved directly with the filling station and 1 worker that didn't maintain direct contact (office), totaling 30 samples. The samples were collected at the end of the week work day, after four hours of exposure. The creatinine dosage and hippuric acid were accomplished at a private laboratory with methodology recommended by Regulatory Norm number 7 of the Labor Department. From the appraised workers, 73.3% were male, 34% of age group from 21 to 30 years old, and with less time of work to 1 year for 40% of the interviewees. Only 1 employee presented a value of hippuric acid high to the extolled by the legislation. Among the exposed workers to the toluene, it was verified that just a worker presented association between the time of exposure and the intoxication. The others analyzed they didn't present any indication of occupational exhibition.Downloads
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How to Cite
Grendele, G. L., & Teixeira, M. L. (2009). Hippuric Acid Assessment as an Occupational Exposure Biomarker in Workers of Gas Stations. Saúde E Pesquisa, 2(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unicesumar.edu.br/index.php/saudpesq/article/view/1205
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