Carbon Monoxide: A New Molecule for Cell Signaling

  • Rosângela Zampieri Pina Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
  • Maria Montserrat Diaz Pedrosa Furlan Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Keywords: Carbon Monoxide, Cell Signaling, Heme-Oxygenase.


Cell signaling consists of a system of proteins and other components whose goal is the transmission of information, influence on cell activities and functional harmony to cell groups. Two elements are essential for this cell-to-cell communication. The first element is called ligand, or rather, a molecule that a cell releases and affects other cells. The second element is the receptor which interacts with the ligand and triggers its effects on a cell. Carbon monoxide (CO), known for its toxic properties, is a new cell signaling molecule. Thus different aspects of this gas has been recently revealed. CO has many physiological activities which are triggered from its endogenous production by the heme-oxygenase enzyme. CO’s protecting effects may be seen in organ transplants, inflammatory lung diseases, hepatitis, lesion of organs by ischemia / reperfusion and vascular lesion. Current investigation shows the progression of studies on CO which may have cyto-protective effects in in vivo and in vitro models. Although scientists have focused on the variety of CO activities, a full overview on the real significance of its biological functions and on its interactions with other cell signaling is still missing. Current research identifies the organic processes in which CO has been suggested and proved efficacious and indicates possible therapeutic applications mainly owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic and anti-proliferation activities.

Author Biographies

Rosângela Zampieri Pina, Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Enfermeira e Especialista em Fisiologia Humana pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM. E-mail:
Maria Montserrat Diaz Pedrosa Furlan, Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Docente Adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM. E-mail:
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