Bone Cancer: Focus on Cancer Biology

  • Ana Paula Serra de Araújo
  • Daiara Caroline Alves Galvão
Keywords: Bone Cancer, Bone Tumor, Bone, Cancer.


Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in the world. Among all types of cancers there is a high incidence of bone cancer which accounts for approximately 6% of all cancer cases among children and young people and about 1% of all types of cancer in the population. Bone cancer is caused by the DNA genetic mutation of a cell which proliferates in an abnormal way. It acquires invasive characteristics and infiltrates the adjacent tissues. There is no agreement on what causes bone cancer. However, factors related to the environment and physical, chemical, biological and genetic agents may influence its development. Its diagnosis and clinical treatment depend on the cancer knowledge of the health professional and also on the type of bone cancer, its pathological stage, degree of infection and site of the affected bone. Since bone cancer is a disease not greatly discussed in academic and scientific community, few publications exist in a systematic manner. Further, since most people are unaware of the disease, current research reviews the literature which addresses the general aspects on bone cancer, with special emphasis on its development at the biological level. Review of the literature showed that there is a consensus among authors on the classification, treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy), diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms and life perspectives for people with bone cancer.

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Serra de Araújo
Fisioterapeuta, pela UNIPAR - Universidade Paranaense; Pos-graduada " latu senso" em Fisioterapia em Terapia Manual e Postural pelo CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá; Especialista e Pós-graduada "Latu senso"em Acupuntura pelo IBRATE - Instituto Brasileiro de Therapias e Ensino.
Daiara Caroline Alves Galvão
Bióloga graduada na Faculdade Global de Umuarama - FGU. E-mail:
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