Abortion: Prevalence in a City of Northwest Parana, Brazil

  • Fabiane Cristina Matsubara Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR
Keywords: Induced Abortion, Abortion, Women’s Health.


This study aimed at examining abortion, taking into account the profile of women who experienced it between January 2008 and June 2009, in addition to showing unsafe abortions performed by these women and their consequences. For the study, data referring to the total curettages and post-abortion deaths reported and confirmed in NOROSPAR among other data were collected from the computerized system of NOROSPAR and the 12th Regional Health Clinic of Umuarama, Paraná, Brazil. The results showed that during the study period 140 post-abortion curettage procedures were carried out, with greater prevalence in the age group 25 to 30, accounting for 25% of the cases studied, and there was only one case of post-abortion due to injury to internal organs and pelvic tissues, registered and confirmed by NOROSPAR and by the 12th Regional Health Clinic of Umuarama. The conclusion is that there is a high incidence of abortion in the northwest of Paraná, and despite the existence of a national law that prohibits the practice of abortion, it does not become punitive due to the absence of reports by hospitals, since the health professionals are prohibited by professional secrecy from reporting the patients who committed the crime of abortion to the authorities, not disclosing this crime.

Author Biography

Fabiane Cristina Matsubara, Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR
Enfermeira graduada na Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR. E-mail: fabi_matsubara@hotmail.com
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